Comedy Industries with huge crowd at Interop Trade Show
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Comedy Industries have emceed our biggest sales meeting of the year, every year, for the past six years. They’re an integral part of our team. They introduce our speakers. They make sure we run on time. Basically they run our meeting, and they’re very effective and professional doing it.


They pick up on the subject matter very quickly, and they help amplify the message. Every year their show is different. Every year they make our meeting a success. They bring comedy, but they are also serious when they need to be, and for an organization like ours, that deals with cancer treatment, that’s critical.


Six years ago we hired them for the first time, and for us it was a simple decision to have them come back every year. I would not do a sales meeting now without Scott and Katrine. Period!”

Martin Forbes
VP of Sales
Siemens OCS

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