More jokes about Thanksgivukkah from:
Be Funnier with Scotty Meltzer:
Mixing it up

Here are six more Thanksgivukkah gags that I didn't have room to include in the original article:


“Thanksgivukkah:” When the leftovers from a single meal lasted for eight miraculous days.


For the week of Thanksgivukkah, Applebee’s will be changing it’s name to Maccabee’s.


This year Thanksgiving falls on the first day of Hanukkah prompting thousands of turkeys to put on yarmulkes and say “Haven’t we been through enough?”


Thanksgiving and Hanukkah overlap this year, yet even together, Christmas kicks both their butts.


And of course we'll have the traditional Jewish prayer to start the meal: (performer sings this to the traditional melody) Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, hamotzi lechem cranberry sauce. A-a-men.


It’s going to be interesting celebrating Thanksgiving and Hanukkah on the same night since Thanksgiving reminds of a time when two different cultures were able to put aside their differences and come together as one, and Hanukkah celebrates efficient oil use.


And for completeness (and because I suffer from OCD and figure, "Why should I suffer alone?") here are the twelve that were included:


“Thanksgivukkah:” The day we celebrate the miracle of the turkey that lasted for eight days.


“Thanksgivukkah:” The day all the turkeys say: “chobble, chobble.”


“Thanksgivukkah:” Because six million turkeys can’t be wrong.


Calling it Thanksgivukkah is so offensive to my people. We prefer: Chanuksgiving. The day we give thanks for Jewish-Canadians.


This Thanksgivukkah my mom listed all the things she was thankful for. Her son the juggler? Not one of those things.


This year Hanukkah and Thanksgiving overlap, prompting thousands of turkeys to say “Never again!”


My family will be celebrating both Hanukkah and Thanksgiving tonight. We’ll be combining the traditional turkey, gravy, and stuffing with the even more traditional latkes, candles, and guilt.


Tonight, Jews all over America will light the first candle of Thanksgivukkah to celebrate the fact that the Puritans hated the Indians even more than they hated us.


This is the first time in almost a hundred years that Thanksgiving and Hanukkah overlap. It’s a pity, because if those early Pilgrims had a few of us Jews with them, they would have gotten New York for just $18 in beads. [TAG] Even back then you people paid retail.


(Animated logo for Thanksgivukkah: Two tri-cornered Pigrim hats flying together to form a six-pointed Star of David.)


Hanukkah sucks. You just can’t bluff in dreidel.


I don’t know why we don’t do Thanksgiving and Hanukkah together every year? Turkeys and Jews have so much in common: male pattern baldness, payis, a healthy fear of ovens …