Comedy Industries with huge crowd at Interop Trade Show
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Our booth was always so packed because everyone wanted to see the presentations by Comedy Industries. They’re really the best. If it were up to me, I’d have them at every single event because I know that when I use Comedy Industries we’re going to have a great event, and we’re going to get the results we want. They are worth every penny.


It doesn’t even feel like I’m even working with a vendor. It feels like they’re part of the company. They understand the messaging better than anyone. In fact, sometimes I feel like they’re teaching the people inside our company. And then when they add in the comedy, it gets everyone in the aisles into our booth. I can’t begin to tell you how many times people have come up and said to me: ‘How do they do it? They are so great. They are reeling everyone in.’”

Karen Kelley
Event Coordinator

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